Sunday, February 26, 2012


Tonight, as I was rocking Amos to sleep, I  started thinking.  Almost a year ago, he was about to come into this world 4 weeks early.  As most of you know, he spent the first 51/2 days in the NICU at St Vincents Hospital.  During this time we said a lot a prayers and a lot of prayers were sent from you all as well.
For the first 12 hours I could not see him.  Immediately after delivery he was taken to the NICU and Wes went with him.  While I was recovering, Wes brought back pictures for me, my Mom and his Mom & Dad to see.  He then told us he could not yet hold him.  He  then had to break it to the Grandparents that they would not be able to see him until Thursday night...and this was Tuesday!
That nigh,t Wes wheeled me down to see my little angle, who we still had not named.  When I first saw him, all I wanted to do was pick him up and tell him how much I already loved him!  When the nurse told me I could not hold him I felt helpless.  I was his Mommy and all I could do was touch him ( and she barley let me do that), it hurt my heart to think this child could not be held. ( Wes was filming my first actual meeting with the little man,  and I was on pain medication from the surgery and when the nurse walked away... apparently I  started talking smack about her and that she did not know what she was talking about and that the best thing for the baby was for me to hold him...oh yes this is on video)
Anyway, the next morning I went down to see him, I  still  could not hold him.  I noticed a gift bag sitting in his little area and  the nurse told me it was for me.  When I got back up to my room, my mom was there and we opened it.  There was a card from an organization called Footprints Ministry. It was filled tons of stuff, burp cloth, hand sanitizer, Kleenex, camera (just to name a few) and my favorite...a receiving blanket.  Attached to the blanket was this poem:

My Blankie
by Pam Carroll

I have a little blankie
That I hold tight each night
But there's just one thing missing
That's Mommy by my side.

If Mommy takes this blankie
And holds it very close,
When she brings it back to me
I'll smell her with my nose.

It won't replace my Mommy
But remind me of her love,
And that God's watching over me 
From heaven up above.

I got to the third line and had to have my Mom finish reading it.  It was at that moment that I knew he was not only in great hands medically, but God had these wonderful people... His earthly angels, that  did not even know my child, praying for him and visiting to pray with him daily.  The NICU is very strict about visitors, but they allow this minister who works with the Footprints Ministry to come pray with the babies daily.

The point of this LONG post is to explain why we are asking you  to help us Support and Thank this amazing organization.  We will send out invitations to Amos' 1st Birthday  in a few weeks.  His party will be at Aunt Laurie's house.  In the invitation you will  have a card asking you to help us thank and support Footprints.  There will be a list of things they need to make the bags they give to the families of babies in the NICU.  Our little man was only there 5 1/2 days, but some aren't so lucky.  Their stay is much longer.  Please help us by bringing one of the items on the list to the party.  When we get back to Birmingham we are going to take all the items to Footprints.  We have been in touch with Footprints, and they are so excited that we will share Amos' 1st Birthday with them.

Again , I cannot express how this little bag can mean so much when you are in that situation.
God has given us this child, this amazing gift and trusts that we will raise him to be kind, giving and appreciate all of our many blessing.  I can't think of a better way to start.

I have listed below, what will be in the invitation.  I just could not put all of this in the invitation, so I thought this would be a great way to explain the importance of helping this organization.

Items Needed
Disposable Cameras with flash
Travel size Kleenex
4 or 5 pack receiving blankets from Target or Walmart
$5 gift cards to local restaurants
Gas Cards
Monetary donations should be made payable to Footprints Ministry

I hope to see you all as we celebrate his 1st Birthday!!!

We are so blessed!

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Shout Out!

Check out our shout out  for out anniversary on our wedding photographers blog!

Friday, February 17, 2012

Look at me...I am feeding myself with a spoon!

Well kind of!  Today was the first day I gave Amos a spoon and let him try to eat by himself.  I know I probably should have done this already, but the thought of the mess just made me wait.  I know that is horrible, but it's true!   So today I did it and well I think the pictures say it all...
He was so excited

Aunt Lis came home just in time to see this huge moment
He was so proud!

Still has the spoon

So much for the spoon, he decided to use his hands 
and, well maybe he is trying to eat the way Marley 
and Lucy eat.. who knows

Trying the spoon agian.  Then it just became a game
I would give it to him and he would throw it 
down.  So I gave in and just let him do it his way.

And after his bath...the high chair was stripped and the cloth part was washed, the plastic was wiped down with lysol.  I have no idea how I am going to get thru this stage.  I can't do this every night!  
But this kid had so much fun.

We also went to the park today and for the first time he could climb and crawl on the playscapes.  He thought he was big stuff.  We will go back this weekend and I will take some pictures.

Oh one more big thing happened today.  After 11months, I finally ordered his Birth Certificate and we received it today!!!!!  I wont be geting mother of the year for that one.  I just completely forgot to do it!
But we got it today...he is offical!

Monday, February 13, 2012

Happy Valentine's Day!

So I decided to try and make a heart shaped cake I saw on pinterest.  It needed a little work, but for the most part turned out great!

So I got home tonight and put Amos in his high chair for just a minute so I could send an email, and well...this is what I look over and found after just a few minutes!
He decided he wanted to take his shirt off!
We never know what to expect with this child! He is too cute!

Happy 3rd Anniversary

February 7th was our 3rd anniversary and both Wes and I had to work fairly late.  But, the wonderful husband that he is surprised me with a huge ballon on the mailbox...a massive 3!  And balllons, streamers and a banner in the house!  I love him so much!   Please exscuse the mess on's been a bsy few weeks!

Saturday, February 4, 2012

First Busted Lip

I love this sweet little face... yesterday he pulled a table over and it fell on top of him.  He has his first little hurt lip!

Close up!

Catching Up

It's been a little hectic around here, so I have not been very good at keeping up.  But, today I will catch you up on the past few weeks!

Amos and his cousins watching the last Saints game

January 19...Happy Birthday Wes!  Aunt Lis made him a cake

Watching Daddy blow out the candles

Gonna give daddy a birthday kiss

He loves his walker (Thanks Santa)

Aunt Lis thought he needed a tag for his car!
That lasted a day, then he realized it was there and of course pulled it off.