Amos is quite the strong willed, funny child. I want to write down the things that he does so I will not forget them. Here are some of the things he has done lately:
* Wes gives him a bath at night so I can clean the kitchen after dinner and get a few other things done. That is "their time". It's really cute, they turn on music, Amos plays in the water and Amos has a certain way he likes things done after bath time. Diaper, lotion on is knees (I have no idea why) then his belly, then arms. Then I think its pants then shirt.
Anyway, I did bath time one night, no music, and apparently I was not doing lotion right because he started yelling "Daa Daa Daa" and pointing to the bedroom door. I had to get Wes, Amos had a big smile on his face when he saw Daa and well super Dad came to the rescue.
Another night I did bath time and had to call in Wes because Amos would not let me wash his hair. In comes Super Dad....Big smile from Amos, a head shake "yes" when asked if he was ready to wash his hair and DONE!
*Now that Amos know how to take off his diaper he will! If he does not have on pants he will take it off. So before bath one night he only had his diaper on, then of course he was naked. Next he was running around the bathroom,bedroom and hallway. He passed gas to put it nicely ( Wes and I laughed...yes we are mature) and then it happened. He ran in our bedroom tinkled on the floor, pointed to it and smiled. And then the BIG ONE....While running down the hall laughing two big turds fell out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yes you read that correctly! Wes and I just about died. Amos- well he just kept on movin!
*And then the most recent little episode...
Wes and I are trying to work on Amos' listening skills. And getting him to understand that there are consequences when he does not listen, well let's just say it is a very trying time in the Booth house. One thing he likes to do is dump his food from is plate onto his highchair tray. The other night
I gave him two chances when I saw him lift the plate. I told him not to do it
again or he would go to timeout. Well of course it happened again and off to
time out he went,crying and trying to kiss me so I wouldn't put him in there.
(his bed with no toys or paci for 2min). That is his thing, he tries to butter
me up and kiss and hug me when he gets in trouble. ( it works sometimes b/c he
is so funny and cute) Anyway, he gets out and its time to finish eating. He
takes a few bites, then while looking at Wes, (to make sure he is not watching him) he cuts eyes over to see if I am
looking (which I was out of the corner of my eye) and HE LIFTS THE PLATE just
enough that it is not touching his highchair! I was about to die! He put it
down and gave a little smirk and laugh like we did not see him and he got one
over on us! By that time I just let it go...He is a MESS!!!!!!!!