As I said, November was busy. We ended the month with Thanksgiving with Wes' family in Hartselle, AL. It was nice to get to spend a little "QT" with the family. Amos had lots of fun with all his cousins.
Elijah, Brayleigh, Amos and Wes playing with blocks
Brayleigh and Baby Lydia
Next getting ready for Christmas! We decided to get a small real tree this year. We will be spending Christmas in Biloxi with my family this year and Amos is still so little, we thought this would be better than putting up our big tree. So we went and bought about a 4-5ft tree, it was already tied up so we didn't see what it actually looked like beforehand. Well lets just say its a special little tree! (you will see in the pictures,its a work in progress...I still need something for the top)
Getting it ready to come inside
Amos loves this car...Thank you Lisa
We made it festive with a little piece of the tree
And The Tree...which Amos could care less about
And last, we need to get Christmas cards. So I thought I would take Amos outside and see if I could get some cute pictures of him. Last time I did this he was great...and now at almost 9 months its very hard to keep him still! But here are some of the pictures I got.
Constantly moving...but happy!
He looks so much like Wes in this picture
And here
Love it! He is such a happy baby!
Tomorrow we are supposed to go see Santa, so I will let you know how that goes!